Welcome to the website of ICFE8. The conference will cover top-level research in the rare-earth elements, including the 4f and 5f series.
Conference topics will cover:
- Applications in biology and medicine
- Catalysis, energy and fuel cells
- Coordination, organic and organometallic chemistry
- Magnetism
- Solid state chemistry and physics, intermetallic compounds, materials
- Spectroscopy and theory
- Optical materials (lasers, telecommunication, lighting, sensors, photovoltaics……)
- Solution chemistry, extraction, separations
- Resources, recovery and recycling
Conference Pictures
Final program available for download
Social program
The conference venue is in the heart of Udine, a pleasant city in the north east of Italy, easily reachable from several international airports. We hope that besides the scientific program, you will be able to enjoy the history, hospitality and food of Friuli Venezia Giulia region.