- Applications in biology and medicine
- Catalysis, energy and fuel cells
- Coordination, organic and organometallic chemistry
- Magnetism
- Solid state chemistry and physics, intermetallic compounds, materials
- Spectroscopy and theory
- Optical materials (lasers, telecommunication, lightings, sensors, photovoltaics……)
- Solution chemistry, extraction, separations
- Resources, recovery and recycling
Silvio Aime
John A. Capobianco
Serafin Bernal
Nobhuito Imanaka
Jean-Claude Bünzli
Peter W. Roesky
Jean-Pierre Costes
Song Gao
John Sarrao
Thomas Schleid
Oscar Malta
Lidia Smentek
Daniel Jaque
Setsuhisa Tanabe
Isabelle Billard
Claude Piguet
Gin-ya Adachi
Koen Binnemans